Hugs for Soldiers
Christmas for a Soldier
The Hugs for Soldiers team sorted, packed and mailed Christmas care packages for over 200 of our troops to enjoy. We appreciate all the Christmas cards, snacks, gifts, personal care items and monetary donations to help with the postage. Thank you for remembering our troops who cannot be home for the holidays.
Thanksgiving Food Drive was a huge success!
Hugs for Soldiers delivered over 1,200 food items and 30 prepared Thanksgiving Food Baskets to the Battle Buddy Resource Center, a ministry of the Fort Benning Chaplains and Chapel. These bags will be given to military families facing hardships during the holidays. We appreciate the BBRC for taking good care of our Soldiers and their families! Thanks to everyone who donated food, help assemble the bags and deliver them. We have the BEST volunteers!
FOX News: January 2022: How to spread Valentine's Day love to deployed service members.
David Weekley Homes Partners with Hugs for Soldiers
to Send Care Packages to U.S. Soldiers
Atlanta, GA The David Weekley Homes Atlanta Team partnered with Hugs for Soldiers to send care packages to members of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Union Corrugating Sends ‘Hugs For Soldiers’ During Holidays
During the recent holiday season, Fayetteville, N.C.-based Union Corrugating, a manufacturer and distributor of metal roofing and siding products, teamed up with the Duluth, Ga.-based Hugs For Soldiers organization by providing care packages to deployed soldiers around the world. The packages reached the troops by Christmas Day.

WALMART, Maysville, Kentucky
January 30, 2015
Walmart Associate, Alice Garlitz, had read an article in Woman's World magazine (March 31, 2014 issue) about Hugs for Soldiers collecting foot powder for the troops. In honor of Veteran's Day 2014, Walmart Associates placed a table by the store's front door, put a combat boot on a fish tank with a note asking everyone to either provide an unopened foot powder donation or make a contribution to buy foot powder for our heroes. Through the generosity of Associates and Customers, the store collected enough money to provide 324 bottles of Gold Bond foot powder.
U. S. Army
Organization delivers Girl Scout cookies to Soldiers
June 17, 2014
By Aniesa Holmes
FORT BENNING, Ga., (June 18, 2014) -- Fort Benning Soldiers received a truckload of sweets June 11, courtesy of Girl Scouts of America and the Hugs for Soldiers organization.
Hugs for Soldiers, a ministry of Duluth First United Methodist Church in Duluth, Georgia, delivered more than 16,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to Fort Benning.
Hugs for Soldiers founder Angie Doerlich said 7,000 boxes went to Soldiers of the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team on Kelley Hill and additional boxes were donated to the Warrior Transition Battalion and the Armor School.

Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, carry boxes of Girl Scout cookies inside Truscott Center on Kelley Hill. Hugs for Soldiers, a ministry of Duluth First United Methodist Church in Duluth, Georgia, delivered more than 16,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to Soldiers. The organization has partnered with the battalion since 2003.

Hugs for Soldiers send Girl Scout cookies to U.S. Military Overseas
Suwanee Magazine
By: Tana Christian Suggs
January 2, 2013
You look forward to them all year long. There’s just nothing like the taste of TagaLongs, Samoas, and Thin Mints. And then the time comes and there’s a knock on your door – it’s a Girl Scout and you realize it’s Girl Scout cookie time.
For those serving in our military overseas, there is no knock on the door and opening it to find a Girl Scout selling her scrumptious baked goods. But one organization located in nearby Duluth is making sure some U.S. Soldiers abroad will get some.
Hugs for Soldiers, a ministry of Duluth First United Methodist Church, will send Girl Scout cookies to military men and women who have signed up to be a part of the organization’s Adopt-A-Soldier program and who are serving in Afghanistan, Kuwait and a unit in Djibouti, Africa.

Bright Idea: 'Duluth's Hugs for Soldiers' supports troops and families
Since 2003, Duluth UMC has been caring for deployed troops through its ministry Hugs for Soldiers.
It started when church member Angie Doerlich visited with the local Army Recruiting Office to see what the church could do to support soldiers serving overseas. Sergeant Christopher Long called her days later with contact names and addresses of the 2-69 Armor Battalion who had just deployed to the Middle East from Fort Benning, Ga. Sergeant Long was able to assist in making suggestions for shipping care packages.

Hearts and Hugs for Soldiers allows students to send
valentines to troops overseas
Beth Wertz: Dec 7, 2011
Harrisonburg, VA
The Community Service Representatives, an affiliate of JMU’s Community Activities Board, set up a table outside the Warren Hall mail room Monday and Tuesday to encourage students to write a valentine for a soldier overseas.

Show Them You Care
May is National Military appreciation month. We handpicked 10 top organizations that can help your family show its support for our men and women in uniform, as well as their loved ones on the home front.
By Lambeth Hochwald | May , 2011
Hugs for Soldiers
The personal touch can make all the difference to a soldier, and Hugs for Soldiers offers many ways to do it. Send a handwritten note through the Patriotic Card Drive, or volunteer your time preparing Care Packages. Sign up for the Adopt-A-Soldier program, and your family can connect with a real soldier who will receive your gifts.

Hugs for Soldiers Presented $1,000 Grant by G-Braves
Duluth-based Hugs for Soldiers to use money to pay shipping expenses for Christmas care packages to U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Drive for items for packages started Sept. 1.
By Faye Edmundson (Patch Staff) - September 23, 2011 8:35 pm ET