Hugs for Soldiers

♥ Hearts & Hugs ♥
Valentines for our troops
Cards must be received by Friday, January 24, 2025
Every February, loved ones exchange flowers, candy and cards, but for troops serving overseas who are separated from the ones they love, Valentine's Day can be hard. Hugs for Soldiers would like to connect hearts at home with hearts overseas by sending "HUGS" through Valentine cards to our deployed service members to let them know how much they are appreciated.
Due to privacy and security restrictions, we do not distribute names or addresses of service members to anyone for any reason.
Please do not send us letters that are written to a specific individual.
Guidelines for Cards
♥ Send a card, handwritten letter, or note. Please send the card only - no envelopes. All cards are mixed and re-boxed into larger boxes so that your cards are received at various military bases.
♥ Keep your cards to a size of 8 1/2" x 11" or under for ease in shipping and distribution.
♥ Do not use glitter or materials that easily break off during the two-week shipment.
♥ Photos of the sender, sender's family, church, organization or classroom participants can add a personal touch to your card.
♥ Keep your messages positive! Start with a salutation, such as "Dear Hero" or "Dear Brave One." All cards will be screened.
We are also collecting Valentine's Day Treat Bags!
You can bundle cards and send in a single large envelope or box to:
Duluth First United Methodist Church
3208 Duluth Highway 120
Duluth, GA 30096